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An Inside Look at Villa Kasteli Garden

A window through the Thunbergia

A window through the Thunbergia

Circis siliquestrum (Judas tree) dressed in Jasminum

Circis siliquestrum (Judas tree) dressed in Jasminum

Thunbergia grandiflora

Thunbergia grandiflora

Bougainvillea spectabilis

Bougainvillea spectabilis

Villa Kastelli Garden May 2013

Villa Kastelli Garden May 2013

Villa Kastelli Garden May 2013 059.jpg

Villa Kastelli Garden May 2013 059.jpg

Euphorbia characias

Euphorbia characias

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Hybiscus mutabilis

Hybiscus mutabilis

Strawberry pot with trailing Convolvulus

Strawberry pot with trailing Convolvulus

Date palms before the scourge of the Nile beetle

Date palms before the scourge of the Nile beetle

Bougainvillea spectabilis

Bougainvillea spectabilis

The village of Mekounida

The village of Mekounida

Bougainvillea spectabilis in a pot

Bougainvillea spectabilis in a pot

Looking out from the studio

Looking out from the studio

Polygala x dalmaisiana [myrtifolia]

Polygala x dalmaisiana [myrtifolia]

Echium candicans

Echium candicans

Hybiscus mutabilis and Cassia fistula

Hybiscus mutabilis and Cassia fistula

Old olive urn water feature

Old olive urn water feature

Yucca filamentosa in flower with Bougainvillea

Yucca filamentosa in flower with Bougainvillea

Salix (Weeping willow) over the pool

Salix (Weeping willow) over the pool

Looking through the green canopy

Looking through the green canopy

Unplanned Santolina and Lavandula perfection

Unplanned Santolina and Lavandula perfection

Rosa Golden Showers

Rosa Golden Showers

Such colour ... the butterflies are loving the Lantana nana

Such colour ... the butterflies are loving the Lantana nana

Climbing rose in cottage garden

Climbing rose in cottage garden

Lilas des Indes Lagerstroemia

Lilas des Indes Lagerstroemia

Mandevilla laxa

Mandevilla laxa

Jacaranda tree in flower

Jacaranda tree in flower

Looking up at the castle from the orchard

Looking up at the castle from the orchard

Tree frog in full song on the rim of the water feature

Tree frog in full song on the rim of the water feature

Callistemon citrinus

Callistemon citrinus

Callistemon citrinus growing over the stone pergola

Callistemon citrinus growing over the stone pergola

Wind swept Lavandula at the cottage.jpg

Wind swept Lavandula at the cottage.jpg

Spring meadow

Spring meadow

Almonds in bloom in early February!.jpg

Almonds in bloom in early February!.jpg

Spring Meadow in Evia

Spring Meadow in Evia

Ice plants (Delosperma cooperi) on the verge

Ice plants (Delosperma cooperi) on the verge

Photinia x fraseri in full bloom at the cottage

Photinia x fraseri in full bloom at the cottage

Thunbergia grandiflora.jpg

Thunbergia grandiflora.jpg

Tecoma stans

Tecoma stans

Greek Urn water feature at Villa Kastelli

Greek Urn water feature at Villa Kastelli

Old Stone Cottage garden pond surrounded by Temari verbena

Old Stone Cottage garden pond surrounded by Temari verbena

Canna lily backed with Solanum

Canna lily backed with Solanum


Welcome Packs and Scrubs, Day trips to the Church of the Holy Trinity Nikasi, Dimosari Gorge and New Vegetable Garden Planning

Looking up at the overgrown pergola

Looking up at the overgrown pergola


The Mediterranean Garden Society visited the new Jennie Gay/Piers Goldson garden in November













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©2018 by The Evia Island Garden Club.

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